.. _ref_grantami_bomanalytics_bom_api: BoM object model ================ .. note:: The models documented below are Python bindings for the Ansys Granta MI 23/01 XML schema. Not all elements are required to define a valid BoM for analysis, and not all elements have an impact on all types of analysis. See :ref:`ref_grantami_bomanalytics_api_index` for details about the relevant items for each analysis type. .. note:: The following elements are defined in the 23/01 BoM schema but are not supported in this module: * ``NonMIPartReference`` on :class:`~ansys.grantami.bomanalytics.bom_types._bom_types.Part` * ``Annotations`` and ``AnnotationSources`` on :class:`~ansys.grantami.bomanalytics.bom_types._bom_types.BillOfMaterials` This module does not contain classes that correspond to these types and cannot serialize a BoM that includes these elements. It is still possible to deserialize an XML BoM that uses these elements, but these elements cannot be converted to Python objects. .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. _ref_grantami_bomanalytics_api_billofmaterials: .. autoclass:: ansys.grantami.bomanalytics.bom_types._bom_types.BillOfMaterials :inherited-members: :member-order: bysource .. automodule:: ansys.grantami.bomanalytics.bom_types._bom_types :exclude-members: BillOfMaterials, BaseType, HasNamespace, SupportsCustomFields :inherited-members: :member-order: bysource