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Perform a BoM sustainability query#

The following supporting files are required for this example:

Run a BoM sustainability query#

First, connect to Granta MI.

from ansys.grantami.bomanalytics import Connection

server_url = "http://my_grantami_server/mi_servicelayer"
cxn = Connection(server_url).with_credentials("user_name", "password").connect()

Next, create a sustainability query. The query accepts a single BoM as argument, as well as optional configuration for units. If a unit is not specified, the default unit is used. Default units for the analysis are: MJ for energy, kg for mass, and km for distance.

xml_file_path = "supporting-files/bom-2301-assembly.xml"
with open(xml_file_path) as f:
    bom =

from ansys.grantami.bomanalytics import queries

query = queries.BomSustainabilityQuery().with_bom(bom)

Finally, run the query. A BomSustainabilityQueryResult object is returned, which contains the results of the analysis.

result =

The BomSustainabilityQueryResult class#


The structure of a BoM sustainabability query result mirrors the input BoM structure. However, each item in the result objects also includes the results of the sustainability analysis for that item. In addition to the properties described below, these objects also contain at least the following properties which define the results of the sustainability analysis:

  • .embodied_energy

  • .climate_change

Additional properties are also available for each <ItemType>WithSustainabilityResult object, see the Sustainability API for more details.

The property#

The property contains the single ‘root’ part in the input BoM. This part in turn also has a .parts property, which contains the list of PartWithSustainabilityResult objects which are children of the root part. This structure continues recursively to define all parts in the input BoM. These parts can be of two types: assemblies, or leaf parts.


Assemblies are PartWithSustainabilityResult objects that contain sub-parts. Assemblies do not contain materials directly.

Assemblies include the following properties which describe child BoM items:

  • .parts: the sub-parts of the assembly, defined as PartWithSustainabilityResult objects.

  • .processes: the joining and finishing processes applied to the assembly, defined as ProcessWithSustainabilityResult objects.

The environmental impact of an assembly includes the sum of the environmental impacts of all sub-parts and processes applied to the assembly.

Leaf parts#

Leaf parts are PartWithSustainabilityResult objects that do not include sub-parts. Leaf parts can contain the materials they are made of as direct children.

Leaf parts include the following properties:

  • .materials: the materials that the part is made of, defined as a list MaterialWithSustainabilityResult objects.

  • .processes: the joining and finishing processes applied to the part, defined as a list of ProcessWithSustainabilityResult objects.

The environmental impact of a leaf part includes the sum of the environmental impacts associated with the quantity of materials used in the part (see below for details), processes applied to the part directly, and processes applied to materials in the part.


Materials are MaterialWithSustainabilityResult objects. They include the following properties:

  • .processes: the primary and secondary processes applied to the mass of material, defined as a list of ProcessWithSustainabilityResult objects.

The environmental impact of a material is calculated from database data and the mass of material used. Even though processes appear as children of materials in the hierarchy, their environmental impact is not summed up in the parent material’s impact, as opposed to the environmental impact of parts.


Processes are represented by ProcessWithSustainabilityResult objects. Processes are child items in the BoM and have no children themselves. The environmental impact of a process is calculated from database data and masses defined in the BoM.

The BomSustainabilityQueryResult.transport property#

The BomSustainabilityQueryResult.transport property contains the transport stages in the input BoM, defined as a list of TransportWithSustainabilityResult objects. Transport stages contain no BoM properties. The environmental impact of a transport stage is just the environmental impact associated with the transport stage itself.

Process the BomSustainabilityQueryResult object#

In order to visualize the results using plotly, the results will be loaded into a pandas DataFrame.

The following cell defines functions which convert the BoM hierarchical structure into a flat list of items. Each function also converts each item into a dictionary of common values that the DataFrame can interpret.

Each row in the DataFrame contains an id which uniquely identifies the item, and a parent_id which defines the parent item. The .identity property is used as an identifier as it is unique across all BoM items, and populated even if not initially populated on the BoM items.

def traverse_bom(query_response):
    # Identify top-level assembly, which includes transport stages contributions.
    top_level_assembly = query_response.part
    top_level_assembly_id = top_level_assembly.identity
    yield to_dict(top_level_assembly, "")
    for part in
        yield from traverse_part(part, top_level_assembly_id)
    for transport in query_response.transport_stages:
        yield to_dict(transport, top_level_assembly_id)

def traverse_part(part, parent_id):
    yield to_dict(part, parent_id)
    part_id = part.identity
    for child_part in
        yield from traverse_part(child_part, part_id)
    for child_material in part.materials:
        yield from traverse_material(child_material, part_id)
    for child_process in part.processes:
        yield to_dict(child_process, part_id)

def traverse_material(material, parent_id):
    yield to_dict(material, parent_id)
    for child_process in material.processes:
        yield to_dict(child_process, parent_id)

from ansys.grantami.bomanalytics._item_results import (

def to_dict(item, parent):
    record = {
        "id": item.identity,
        "parent_id": parent,
        "embodied energy [MJ]": item.embodied_energy.value,
        "climate change [kg CO2-eq]": item.climate_change.value,
    if isinstance(item, PartWithSustainabilityResult):
        record.update({"type": "Part", "name": item.input_part_number})
    elif isinstance(item, TransportWithSustainabilityResult):
        record.update({"type": "Transport", "name":})
    elif isinstance(item, MaterialWithSustainabilityResult):
        record.update({"type": "Material", "name":})
    elif isinstance(item, ProcessWithSustainabilityResult):
        record.update({"type": "Process", "name":})
    return record

Now call the traverse_bom function and print the first two dictionaries, representing the root part and the first assembly in the BoM.

records = list(traverse_bom(result))
[{'id': 'P1',
  'parent_id': '',
  'embodied energy [MJ]': 951.6096434707391,
  'climate change [kg CO2-eq]': 75.10425937474045,
  'type': 'Part',
  'name': 'Part1[ProductAssembly]'},
 {'id': 'P2',
  'parent_id': 'P1',
  'embodied energy [MJ]': 453.52703645315603,
  'climate change [kg CO2-eq]': 32.89702362795741,
  'type': 'Part',
  'name': 'Part1.1[SubAssembly]'}]

Now, use the list of dictionaries to create a DataFrame. Display the first five rows of the DataFrame with the DataFrame.head() method.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(records)
id parent_id embodied energy [MJ] climate change [kg CO2-eq] type name
0 P1 951.609643 75.104259 Part Part1[ProductAssembly]
1 P2 P1 453.527036 32.897024 Part Part1.1[SubAssembly]
2 P3 P2 294.691910 21.374753 Part Part1.1.A[LeafPart]
3 P4 P3 94.665055 7.523234 Material Stainless steel, austenitic, ASTM CN-7MS, cast...
4 P5 P3 198.559644 13.755253 Process Primary processing, Casting

Finally, visualize the data in a sunburst hierarchical chart:

  • The segments are represented hierarchically. The BoM is at the center, and items further down the hierarchy are further out in the plot.

  • Item type is represented by color.

  • The size of the segment represents the environmental impact of that item.

import as px

fig = px.sunburst(
    values=df["embodied energy [MJ]"],
    title="Embodied energy [MJ] breakdown",
# Disable sorting, so that items appear in the same order as in the BoM.